Favourite Travel Experience

I loved my time in Cambodia - where I got the chance to chat with locals and immerse myself in their culture. Of course, going to Angkor Wat is a must and was absolutely gorgeous.

About me

I am graduate of a Bachelor of Tourism at William Angliss Institute and also have a Certificate III in Tourism. I love to learn about different countries and cultures, so studying tourism was an easy decision for me.

I love to research new places and always have a list going about where I should go next. Being around like-minded people during my university days really helped to shape my passion for travel.

On My Travel Radar

Hmm I want to go just about everywhere as I'm sure most people would agree! I would say Japan is the next destination on my immediate travel radar. But I would like to explore more of Europe someday soon as well!


Australia, Austria, Cambodia, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Thailand, Vietnam.



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